
With over 20 locations nationwide with 在线 和 hybrid options, 帕克大学管理学院是美国最大的非营利性管理学院之一.

管理学院(COM)准备我们的管理学位课程的学生在他们选择的职业生涯中取得专业成功. 我们的教师既有学术背景又有相关工作经验,可以将商业理论与实践无缝结合,为学生提供发展成功职业所需的技能.

Our degrees in management fuel robust, well-rounded leadership at every level of industry. 我们的管理学位课程旨在通过根植于与现实世界领导力支柱一致的课程的专业知识和创新,引导世界向前发展-从战略思维到决策制定.

纵观其历史, Park has been at the forefront of providing educational opportunities for 学生. In 1880, 1889年,BT365国际站迎来了第一个来自日本的留学生,并开始了与军队的关系. 今天, Park 学生 find themselves in an enriching environment on campus, 在线, 混合环境.

我们的教师在塑造学生的未来方面发挥着重要作用,这是我们优质教育的源泉, 引导他们从一个主题的有限知识到批判性思维和复杂决策的水平. 公园的教师, through teaching quality 和 service learning opportunities, offer 学生 — whether from the U.S. or one of 110 countries — the building blocks to fulfill their educational goals.

BT365国际站管理学院在我们的教师的投入下制定了它的使命和愿景, 行业咨询委员会, 学生, 以及其他关键成分. 我们相信公园管理学位的毕业生需要在全球竞争的环境中做好职业准备.

罗伯特·W. 石膏商学院 at BT365国际站’s mission is to provide quality, 创新, 以应用为基础的学习,培养能够在全球社区中以对社会负责的方式支持自由企业的多样化学习者.  Graduating leaders who exercise authority responsibly, 做出合乎道德的决定, 以道德勇气行事, 和 advance human dignity worldwide.

罗伯特·W. BT365国际站石膏商学院的愿景是为21世纪的全球经济培养学习者,使他们成为具有创业精神的思想家,能够作为对社会负责的商业领袖影响世界. 通过公共服务价值观教育,为社区非营利组织的公共部门管理和服务培养有道德基础的专业人员.

罗伯特·W. 帕克大学的石膏商学院获得了商学院和项目认证委员会(ACBSP)的认证。, a leading organization for specialized accreditation for business education. 该协会信奉卓越教学的美德,并向学生强调教学对学习过程至关重要. ACBSP对企业进行认证, 会计, 和 business-related programs at the associate, 学士学位, 主, 和 doctorate degree levels worldwide.

ACBSP was recognized 由 Council for Higher Education 认证 (CHEA) in 2001, 和 again in 2011; accrediting organizations that are recognized 由 CHEA affirms that their st和ards 和 processes as an accrediting organization are consistent with the academic quality, improvement 和 accountability expectations that CHEA has established. ACBSP was the first accrediting body to offer specialized business accreditation at all degree levels.

商学院的本科和研究生商业和公共管理学位课程以及医疗管理硕士课程获得了商学院和项目认证委员会(ACBSP)的认证。, 西119街11520号, Overl和 Park, KS, 66213 (913-339-9356). The Economics degree program is not considered to be a business program 和 is not 认证 by ACBSP.

ACBSP Program Outcomes (St和ard 4)

ACBSP Student Achievement Outcomes (St和ard 7)


杨的太阳Welcome to the 管理学院 和 罗伯特W. 石膏商学院 at BT365国际站, where we offer a dynamic blend of academic programs, 卓越的教育, 和 a commitment to student success. Our programs, 认证 by ACBSP, reflect the highest st和ards in business education. Only 3% of business schools worldwide are ACBSP 认证. “The father of modern management,” Peter Drucker, noted that “management is a liberal art.“我们的管理教育建立在坚实的文科基础上,为学生的长期职业成功和向上流动做好准备.

We are excited to invite you to explore our comprehensive academic offerings, 其中包括合伙人, 学士, 还有硕士学位, alongside a variety of undergraduate 和 graduate certificates. Our undergraduate portfolio boasts over 10 majors in business administration, grounded in a comprehensive core curriculum that equips our 学生 with the critical thinking, 解决问题, 和 leadership skills necessary for a successful career in business. 我们还为符合要求的本科生提供4+1本科到研究生的衔接课程.

在研究生阶段, 我们的工商管理硕士(MBA)和医疗管理硕士(MHA)课程都有一个综合的核心,涵盖了管理的基本学科和10个专业领域,涵盖了广泛的专业领域. 此外, 我们的stem指定的信息系统和商业分析理学硕士提供尖端的全栈培训, preparing 学生 to lead in this rapidly evolving field.

We pride ourselves on the flexibility of our programs, offering courses in various delivery modalities to accommodate the diverse needs of our 学生, ensuring accessibility to our high-quality, 负担得起的教育. Whether you are seeking to advance your career or pivot to a new field, our 管理学院 is ready to support your journey towards achieving your professional goals.

As Heraclitus said, “change is the only constant.“我们正处于一个有趣的时代,数据和技术继续颠覆和重塑一个又一个行业. 在当今的全球商业环境中,每一次技术变革都会迅速给我们的工作场所带来变化. The world needs business leaders who are ready to meet all the challenges facing an uncertain future. At Park, we have embraced this challenge in the way we teach, learn, 和 engage with the communities. Join us at BT365国际站’s 管理学院 和 罗伯特W. 石膏商学院开始一种变革性的教育体验,将传统商业学科与未来领导角色所需的创新技能联系起来.



罗伯特W. 石膏商学院

The 管理学院’s 罗伯特W. BT365国际站石膏商学院建立了一个教育平台,为学生和我们所服务的社区打开了一个充满机会的世界.

我们很高兴地邀请您点击下面的链接来探索我们全面的学术课程, 其中包括合伙人, 学士, 还有硕士学位, alongside a variety of undergraduate 和 graduate certificates. Our undergraduate portfolio boasts over 10 majors in business administration, grounded in a comprehensive core curriculum that equips our 学生 with the critical thinking, 解决问题, 和 leadership skills necessary for a successful career in business. 我们还为符合要求的本科生提供4+1本科到研究生的衔接课程.

在研究生阶段, 我们的工商管理硕士(MBA)和医疗管理硕士(MHA)课程都有一个综合的核心,涵盖了管理的基本学科和10个专业领域,涵盖了广泛的专业领域. 此外, 我们的stem指定的信息系统和商业分析理学硕士提供尖端的全栈培训,帮助学生在这个快速发展的领域中发挥领导作用.

招生 国际招生

BT365国际站致力于为没有获得联邦助学金的学生提供帮助.  We welcome applications from 学生 who have distinguished themselves through school, community 和/or church activities while showing significant academic achievement in school.  We have over 7 categories of scholarships both internal 和 external, that cater to all our student including international scholars.

For more information on how to 应用 for the scholarships visit Scholarship Information Guide | 金融援助 | BT365国际站

At BT365国际站,  we value the next career step after graduating. The Career Center is ready to assist you!  With upcoming programs 和 events that are geared towards job opportunities, our staff members are available to connect with you.

您可以通过以下方式与我们的职业团队取得联系:1)在线拜访时间2)预约3)通过电子邮件或4)通过电话. For more information 和 our current hours, please visit 职业发展.

公园的米.B.A. curriculum is ideal for working professionals.



(罗伯特W. 石膏中心)

BT365国际站是 认证 由 高等教育委员会.

BT365国际站是 a private, non-profit, institution of higher learning since 1875.