

You simply cannot develop real estate without applying for and successfully obtaining a construction permit. While each construction project inevitably comes with its own unique set of permitting processes and issues, the fundamentals of permitting and approval remain consistent in most cases. 因此, 成功的建筑专业人士往往有可靠的许可证管理制度,以简化每个项目的审批程序.

请继续阅读建筑行业的许可概述以及建筑许可过程的复杂性. Let’s begin with a brief examination of the time and cost commitment before diving into the permit process steps.


Every structural building and construction project is different. 因此, 在不同的行业中,与施工许可过程相关的时间框架和时间表可能因项目而异. 影响施工许可过程长度的因素包括项目的复杂性、许可机构目前的工作量,以及对许可证申请上所显示的细节的关注程度. 当地标准在任何总承包商确保开始房地产建设的适当文件的努力中也起着巨大的作用.

Despite the project and regional vagaries of construction permits, ballpark statistics are available on the overall length of the permitting process. 根据美国全国建筑公司的说法 谷仓优点, 你应该预料到许可程序, 整体而言, 持续时间从6个月到一年不等. This approximation includes the average time needed to gather the necessary information for construction permitting, 提交适当的许可文件, 最后获得必要的施工许可.


Like the amount of time needed to complete the construction permitting process, 在不同地理位置、不同类型的不同建设项目中,与许可相关的成本可能会有很大差异. Regional regulations and standards can make a considerable difference when it comes to your overall permit costs. 在很多情况下, 政府官员根据整个建设项目的预计成本或总价值来计算许可费. This means that large projects come with a significantly higher permitting cost than smaller projects do.

Furthermore, different projects may require different types and numbers of construction permits. 建筑许可, 机械许可, 电许可, 当你在进行一个重大的建筑项目时,管道许可证只是少数需要考虑的许可证.


从在线归档说明到数字许可表格, modern technology can make navigating the construction permitting process incredibly fast and easy in 2023. 然而, it is important to note that every 直辖市 has its own unique permitting infrastructure, and these state-of-the-art conveniences are certainly not available everywhere.

正如我们所知, the specific nature of the permitting process can vary in any number of ways from location to location, 行业对行业, 项目对项目. But no matter where you are or what your project goals happen to be, you can generally complete the construction permitting process by following these five steps:

1. 准备许可证申请

公文:由政府当局发布的官方文件, 建筑许可证和其他形式的建筑许可证授予持有人进行各种形式的建筑,包括翻新和重建的法律许可. You should begin preparing for your permit application early by…


许可标准和规范是管理特定城市不同类型建筑项目的各种法规. They cover areas that range from basic architectural design to raw building materials to proper installation methods. To ensure that you can obtain permits and operate in full compliance with applicable laws 和指导方针, you should begin the permit application preparation process by researching all relevant standards and 代码. Because code enforcement is generally quite strict in the construction sector, professionals who fail to vet standards and 代码 thoroughly do so at their own peril.


正如我们已经指出的那样, you can apply for any number of specialized permits (for example, 管道, 电, 机械许可证)超出一般建筑许可证. There are also construction industry permits that are specifically designed for demolition projects.


A construction project’s level of compliance risk reflects its probability of violating applicable standards and 代码. 评估合规风险非常重要,因为违反规则可能导致严重的法律和财务后果,可能导致项目关闭,甚至导致刑事起诉.

2. 向规划委员会递交申请

规划委员会是管理城市内所有房地产开发和土地使用活动的官方地方政府机构, 县, 直辖市, 或者另一个特定的司法管辖区. 规划委员会的主要责任,是检讨其管辖范围内所有拟议的建筑工程,以确保符合所有适用的分区规定及其他有关条例. Because planning commissions send construction project items to the city council after making their judgments, the public can comment on these judgments and city councils can suggest further amendments to them. As real estate developers move through the planning commission process, they may need to make significant modifications to their project plans before they can ultimately gain approval.

3. 项目初步审查

收到你的申请后, 规划委员会一般会进行初步概念审查,包括接受委员会的投入,其中包括供最后核准的任何建议. 这些审查在计划委员会会议安排前大约一两个星期被列入议程.


We have already discussed the ways in which project scope might affect permitting fees. 在规划委员会申请过程的初步审查阶段,一份关于你的建设项目预计范围的完整报告也是很重要的一部分. To give your planning commission an accurate idea of just how big and disruptive your construction project will be, 您应该注意详细说明项目的目的, 安排时间表, 以及潜在的环境影响.

4. 计划项目或现场检查

During the middle to late stages of the permit application process, it isn’t uncommon to have any given number of scheduled project and construction site inspections. By thoroughly reviewing project plans and physically inspecting the construction site, 规划委员会成员和其他许可官员可以准确地评估当前和不断发展的适用标准的遵守情况, 代码, 条例, 和指导方针. 当然, it is critical that real estate developers are adequately prepared for these official permitting inspections.

5. 取得许可证及批文

在彻底评估你的申请之后, 完成彻底的审查过程, 将你的项目列入公开听证会的议程项目, and conducting all necessary project and construction site inspections, a planning commission will make a final decision about your requested permits. 如果你被批准,你将立即收到你的许可证. 如果你没有被批准, 规划委员会会给你一张清单,上面列出了必须满足的条件和/或必须进行的调整,才能获得许可证.


并持有所有相关施工许可证, 你必须完全按照这些许可证和你批准的项目计划开始施工过程. This may require regular review of your permits and plans as construction progresses. 同样重要的是,通知重要的项目利益相关者和其他相关方您已批准的许可证,并在施工现场显眼的位置展示您的许可证. 以这种方式展示许可证将使您避免违反当地法规,同时使检查员和其他受制裁的当局相对容易地核实项目批准.


除了正确展示你的施工许可证, 您必须确保它们保持活跃和最新. 为了有效地做到这一点, 明智的房地产开发商将建立和维持一个全面的许可证管理系统,跟踪重要的项目数据,如具体的许可证号码, 详细联系方式, 还有过期日期. 当然, 密切监控所有许可证的到期日期是至关重要的,以避免昂贵和潜在的灾难性监管结果. As long as you allow yourself enough time to file the necessary paperwork, you can often secure renewals for important permits before they expire. 您还应该通过研究和准备更新申请流程所需的所有信息和文件来预测可能的许可证更新.


当然, 许可程序只有一个, relatively small piece of the overall construction management puzzle. 如果您对如何获得正式的施工批准或如何制定施工许可管理系统,从而及时有效地批准每个项目有疑问, you may want to complete an undergraduate degree program in construction management.

At BT365国际站, 您可以完全在线或在整个美国西部的各个物理校园地点攻读建筑管理理学学士学位(AS)或理学学士学位(BS). 我们也提供附加建筑管理辅修的可能性,任何数量的BT365国际站本科学位.

To learn more about our various 施工管理方案 options, visit our dedicated 施工管理方案 page and follow the links to the specific academic options of your choice. 所有BT365国际站的建筑管理课程都获得了ACBSP(商学院和课程认证委员会)的全面认证. If you want to communicate with BT365国际站 directly, you can also fill out a short 在线信息请求 to get more information about anything and everything that our school has to offer!

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