Academic Withdrawal Policy

I. 取款

BT365国际站 has two types of withdrawal from courses. An administrative withdrawal is initiated 由 institution. An academic withdrawal is initiated 由 student. If you have financial aid, 行政退学和/或学生主动退学可能会影响这种援助. If you are an international nonimmigrant student, 任何一种类型的撤回都可能导致您失去合法的非移民身份.

如果学生在新学期的前两周内未能履行经济义务或未上课,BT365国际站保留在没有得到批准的理由的情况下以行政方式将其除名的权利. Excused absences may be granted at the discretion of the instructor.

因不履行财政义务而被行政撤销的, 如学生未参加与学术有关的活动,学校将以注册日期作为退课生效日期. 学生参加过与学术有关的活动, 退课的生效日期为退课的最后一天, 开学第8天, as outlined in the BT365国际站 目录.

如果学生未能启动学业退学程序,并且在学期或学期的前两周从未参加过该课程, 学校将对不出勤的学生进行行政退学,并且不会在你的学习成绩上留下永久的记号. 在这种情况下, 如果在学期开始后注册,退款将以学期开始前一天或注册日期为基础计算.

A course withdrawal is an official, student-initiated request to discontinue enrollment in one or more, 但并非全部, courses in a session (Fall 1, 下降2, 春天, Maymester, 等.).一门课程的退学通知发生在入学调整期和, 因此, results in a grade of “W” (withdrawn) or “WF” (withdraw failure). 在课程的前三分之二内退课的学生将得到“W”。. Students who withdraw during the last third of the session receive a “WF”. 参考 学期日期 for deadlines by term. 家庭校园(Parkville)的学生必须通过学生成功或通过电子邮件请求课程退出

远程学习和校园中心的学生必须通过电子邮件通知他们的校园中心或学生成功教练 研究生必须通过电子邮件通知他们的校园中心或学生成功教练 如果课程教师提交了一份学术不诚实表格,暗示学生违反了学术诚实政策,学生不得主动退学. 如果学术不诚实的指控导致无过错的发现, the effective date for withdrawal will be adjusted as needed.

学期/大学退学是指学生主动要求在一个学期(第1学期)内停止所有课程, 下降2, 春天, Maymester, 等.). To request a session/university withdrawal, students must complete the Request for Session/University Withdrawal Form in MyPark or contact the Registrar’s Office (3rd floor Mackay;; 816-584-6275). 学生可以在课程的最后一天申请退学. When requesting a session/university withdrawal, refunds (if applicable, see refund policy below) and grades (see grading policy in 目录),以提交退课申请表的日期或学生向注册办公室提供正式退课意向通知的日期为依据.

由于军事部署而无法正式退学的学生, 住院治疗, 或其他情有可原的情况必须提交证明文件, 最好在提出提款请求时提款,但不得迟于提交请求后五个工作日. 对评分和/或退款政策的例外情况由大学自行决定.

II. title iv的回归

When a student withdraws from all classes in an enrollment period, and that student has received federal financial assistance, 联邦法规要求进行计算,以确定是否必须退还任何联邦资金. This is referred to as a Returned to Title IV calculation. 如果确定需要返还资金,将按照以下顺序进行返还:

学校必须在付款期或入学期间(如适用)将第四章资金返还给学生获得资助的项目, in the following order, up to the net amount disbursed from each source:

  • Unsubsidized Direct 工作人员ord loans (other than PLUS loans
  • Subsidized Direct 工作人员ord loans
  • 联邦珀金斯贷款
  • 联邦PLUS贷款
  • 直接PLUS贷款
  • Federal Pell Grants for which a Return is required
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG),需要返还资金
  • Federal TEACH Grants for which a Return is required
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant for which a Return is required.

A student’s withdrawal date is:

  • the date the student began the institution’s withdrawal process (as described in the University 目录) or officially notified the institution of intent to withdraw; or
  • the midpoint of the period for a student who leaves without notifying the institution; or
  • 学生参加有记录的学术相关活动的最后日期

3. Add, Drop, Swap Courses

Students can make changes to their course schedules in MyPark using the “添加/删除/交换课程的专题. MyPark将允许学生根据学历按学期退课、换课和加课. 如果学生想在一个学期内放弃或退出所有课程,他们需要使用 Request for Session/University Withdrawal Form 在MyPark或电子邮件 从他们的 BT365国际站 e-mail account with their request. 我们建议学生在执行之前与他们的学生成功教练或校园中心讨论期望的退学或退学.

IV. Refund Schedule for Dropping or Withdrawing from a Course

在退课期后退课的学生将不会获得100%的学费退款. For more information on refund amounts, refer to the chart below.


First 8 Calendar days of term100%100%50%50%
Day 9 through conclusion of week 275%30%20%10%
11 - 16周0%

NORTH DAKOTA (On-Site Classes Only)


The policies of the California Student 学费 Recovery Fund, 北达科他州退款计算表和乔治亚州退款政策见附件 目录. 完整的政策, explaining how financial aid to be refunded is calculated, 可在学生金融服务办公室或BT365国际站网站上查询. 在BT365国际站注册16周学期的弗吉尼亚居民将根据8vac 40-31-160 (N)(8)获得退款。.



16周 60% point is 第十个星期
9或8周 60% point is 星期5
5或4周 60% point is 星期3
2 第6周0% point is Week 2

*This applies to Department of Defense 学费 Assistance.

BT365国际站是 认证 由 Higher Learning Commission.
